Ntrade unions in zimbabwe pdf

Strategies to combat youth unemployment and marginalisation in anglophone africa godfrey kanyenze, guy c. Trade unions in zimbabwe role, functions of workers. All photographs were taken by imani countess, solidarity center in 20 unless otherwise noted. A case of tanzania teachers union by mohamed mussa a dissertation submitted to mzumbe university dar es salaam campus college in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of science in accounting and finance m sc. Congress of south african trade unions cosatu, was the single most powerful organised formation in the antiapartheid struggle in south africa3.

Position of the european union on sanctions against zimbabwe with reference to recent statements made by zimbabwean officials and underlined by the local press on the occasion of the recent sadc summit in dar es salaam, according to which the socalled sanctions imposed against zimbabwe by the eu have. Leaders of the zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu concern. The african ejournals project has digitized full text of. Methodology of the study period of the study the study was conducted for a period of 6 months from july 2012 to december 2012. Zctu, the private sector union federation, tried to launch a twoday general strike in solidarity. Sata hinted that the specter of this hereto latent industrial action was largely the work of members of the zambia congress of trade unions zctu aligned with the movement for multiparty democracy mmd, and was politically motivated in light of the patriotic fronts pf recent presidential and legislative victories. Refuse to employ a person on the grounds that he is a member of a union. Discriminate against a worker on the grounds that he is a member of a union. Zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu home facebook. Events in zimbabwe assume further importance not only because it is an important capitalist state in africa, but also by its connection to south africa, the biggest and most important centre of global capitalism on the continent. Firestone agricultural workers union of liberia fawul members, liberia. With a population of about 12 million people, the countrys. These two federations at times unite to strengthen the workers sociopolitical representation and the labour union movement on the whole.

Put a condition in a contract of employment preventing an employee joining a trade union. Sector trade unions should initiate effective members recruitment drive in most organisations to ensure that all workers. Direct employment promotion by trade unions in zambia began in 1998 with the. Zimbabwe congress of trade unions labour organization. Times of zambia role of trade unions in work places. Collective bargaining and labour disputes resolution is. The decline in trade union density in the 21stcentury in zimbabwe. As a result, the labour market was characterized by a strong racial division of labour that would persist for decades to come. The decline in trade union density in the 21stcentury in. By contrast, an employer represents his own interests, as well as the interests of those with financial stakes in the company.

The employer can deduct union dues from the workers wages and transfer it to the trade union. The core foundation of collective bargaining legislation in south africa was the industrial. Jeffrey mutandare is a former president of the zctu. Organizing informal workers into trade unionsa trade union guide. The zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu has issued the following statement on the powersharing deal between robert mugabes zanupf and morgan tsvangirai and arthur mutambaras two mdc groups. Zimbabwe zimbabwe congress of trade unions, zctu dans les. Trade unions and democracy in zambia democracy in africa. The constitution of zimbabwe allows freedom of association to all, provided that no person may compel any other person to join an association or to attend a meeting or gathering. Pages in category trade unions in zimbabwe the following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total. The target of succeeding governments, political factions, employers, and economic policies, trade unions have faced these challenges armed with weak. The zimbabwe congress of trade unions is the primary trade union federation in zimbabwe.

Several incidents occurred during the year, however. Pdf on apr 5, 20, paris yeros and others published the rise and fall of trade unionism in zimbabwe, part i. However, because both trade unions and employers can only earn a livelihood through the continued viability of the businesses that they work. From the early 1970s to the late 1980s, the african labour movement had evolved as a stronghold for the expression of the aspirations of. The study will trace the history of trade unions in zimbabwe from their formative age to the end of the 20th century, looking at the factors that contributed towards the. Special reference will be made to the way in which trade unions in. The 1963 nationalist movement split into zimbabwe african peoples union zapu and zimbabwe african national union zanu. Firstly, trade unions usually function as significant collective interest groups whose role is fundamental to the reproduction of the economy. The position of the congress of south african trade unions cosatu, which should be read in the context in the zctu statement, follows. Trade union struggles for autonomy and democracy in zimbabwe.

Congress of trade unions zctu became increasingly and vocally opposed to the government in the 1990s and has played a critical civil society. Pdf the rise and fall of trade unionism in zimbabwe, part i. Progressive teachers union of zimbabwe ptuz whitecollar unions. The zctu was formed on february 28, 1981 through the merger. From the beginning, the zimbabwe congress oftrade unions zctu. Zimbabwe congress of trade unions, trade unions, zimbabwe. An analysis of trade unions in zimbabwe by the united. Sbu in zimbabwe there are two large organizations that claim to represent trade unions, the zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu and the zimbabwe. The study sought to investigate the reasons why the popularity of the zimbabwe congress of trade unions amongst workers in zimbabwe has taken a plunge. There are about 25 unions in zambia and the two main groupings are zambia congress of trade unions zctu and federation of free trade unions in zambia fftuz. Congress of trade unions zctu became increasingly and vocally opposed to the government in the 1990s and has played a critical civilsociety. Other articles where zimbabwe congress of trade unions is discussed. These represent nonmanual occupations for example teaching, banking etc.

Commercial workers union of zimbabwe phone and map of address. Torture, illtreatment, freedom of expression on september in harare, lovemore matombo, president of the zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu, wellington chibebe zctu secretary general, lucia matibenga first vicepresident of the zctu. Congress of trade unions to publish this trade union guide for south african workers, written by mr. Flower industry in zimbabwe robert davies, 2000 14. Moreover, apart from retrenchees and retirees, the trade unions see the need to promote self employment and to organise the informal economy as a whole, being increasingly the often harsh source of livelihood for a majority of zambians. Hepple has waged many a doughty battle on behalf of workers and voteless nonwhites. The institutionalisation of collective bargaining in zimbabwe. African working class nationalism, 19571963 grounds that it was subversive resulted in the emergence of politically militant nationalism whose objective was now the overthrow of the status quo. Trade unions are associations of workers formed to represent their interests and improve their pay and working conditions. Zimbabwe since the inception of the inclusive government of zimbabwe in february 2009, zimbabwe has been recovering from a low economic base. Sections 25 and 74 of the zimbabwean labour act, chapter 28. The rise and fall of trade unionism in zimbabwe, part i. You can think of trade unions as your insurance policy for. November 1996, the zimbabwe congress of trade unions.

This historical background is relevant because the zimbabwean government goz, beginning harare 00000275 002 of 007 in the mid1990s, adopted similar tactics for dealing with labor unions. Unions create democratic space in zimbabwe solidarity center. Trade unions also provide legal representation for workers, for example to win compensation in the event of an accident or injury at work. The registrar publishes a notice in the gazette and within 30 days of publication, the union gets registered. At the advent of independence in 1980 in zimbabwe, another central concern of government was that of addressing the inherited inequalities of the past in human resource development. The labour market and economic development 19802000. The zambia congress of trade union has said it has taken great exception to the statement purpoted to have been. The former general secretary was morgan tsvangirai. Trade unions in zimbabwe and their types free zimsec. Commercial workers union of zimbabwe, unions, zimbabwe. Except for those in security services, workers are allowed to form unions and to participate in. Zimbabwe is a landlocked country, centrally situated in southern africa and sharing borders with mozambique to the east, south africa to the south, botswana to the west and zambia to the north. In 199798 tsvangirai successfully led a series of strikes against president mugabes taxation policy. Pdf the rise and fall of trade unionism in zimbabwe.

Zambia zactu and zimbabwe zctu influenced the formation of political opposition. Zimbabwe congress of trade unions phone and map of address. The general secretary of zctu is wellington chibebe and the president is lovemore matombo. Pdf on apr 5, 20, paris yeros and others published the rise and fall. Trade unions in zimbabwe 87 known examples, but important developments have taken place in a number of other settings. Trade union services and benefits in africa edited by. Below is a list of some of them and their categories. The role of trade unions in industrial relations bizfluent. Parliament should enact relevant legislation to compel all employers to facilitate their respective workers to.

Collective bargaining in a challenging economy the herald. Workers struggles in zimbabwe one such case is that of zimbabwe, which forms the focus of this article. This southern african country of 12 million people has been rocked by strike action throughout the1990s. Many trade unions also provide other benefits and discounts on services for their members. In industrial relations, trade unions represent the interest of their members. The reason why the trade unions were chosen as a focus of the research are numerous. The zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu emerged from under the wing of the ruling party in the second half of the 1980s to become the epicentre of organised opposi tional politics in zimbabwe. The zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu is seen as being close to the movement for democratic change mdc and has been a particular target for harassment as a result, although the mdcs participation in the government has helped the situation slightly. The process has begun in some unions, but at a very slow pace. Trade unions in zimbabwe and their types there are a number of trade unions that operate in zimbabwe. Zimbabwe ituc survey of violations of trade union rights. Zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu, harare, zimbabwe. This article is the first of a twopart study on the evolution of the zimbabwe congress of trade unions zctu in the 1990s. Trade union services and benefits in zimbabwe 433 prosper chitambara.

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